Tuesday, May 31, 2016

2016 4 Summer things to do

1.You can go shopping for cool clothes for the summer heat. 2.You can buy food things like - Ice cream, pizza, freezy slushy, a salad. 3. You can exercise outside the heat help burns fat fast. 4. Go swimming, fishing, or go to a zoo to enjoy the wide life view. There you go 4 great things to do this 2016 summer. I'm Paul saying have a great and awesome summer guys.

Friday, March 11, 2016

How to attract someone you like?

Find out what's their favorite hobby or what type of music they listen to. Once you know then you walk around them or pass by them playing their favorite song or singer this goes for the hobby too. If they love volleyball or football if you're an opposite sex go to his football games and just support him by screaming his name or team and if it's a girl do the same go to her games or walk pass her class an get a glimpse at her while she's looking.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

How to get a 1000 likes on facebook!

1. Wear colorful clothes it doesn't have to be new as long as it matches. 2. Take pictures in different places so you don't have the same background in every pic. 3. Keep your eyebrows and hair done it makes you appear to be fabulous. 4. Post pictures once every two hours it will grab people's timeline attention an make them wanna like your pics if one person keep seeing your pic every 3 hours you will be stuck in their head. 5. Before you post a photo make sure to set your photo public so when people visit your page then it will be able for them to like it or not if they feel like it. 6. Sometimes you gotta smile people love to see smiling but not to much of smiling. 7. Don't talk about negative stuff example: I don't like Thot or I'll kill that bitch. Keep it classy and clean example: Whent out to skate with bae or saying good night to my facebook fam.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Cash Money Spell that works fast!

Items Needed: 1- green candle 1- green rock or  plan rock 1- crystal 1- bottle of cinnamon and piece of small paper and a green or white or yellow rag bag.  Take the cinnamon poor a little in the rag write money signs on your rock then place it in the rag write your wish on the small piece of paper then place in rag rap the rag up with a rubber band then take the Crystal an tie it to the candle with rubber bands sit the candle up then light it then say the following words Low : cash come to me in the name of Jesus let it be free.  But if you wanna try it a different way say the following words Low : Money Money come to me come so fast it will grow up like a tree. Then hold your bag an close your eyes an imagine money falling in your bag meditate on this for 7 minutes for 7 days you will see a big difference but remember to start from 7am to 7:07am

How to be a Bad bitch rules

1. Be independent: which means don't ask nobody for nothing unless it's your parents 2. Dress code: you don't have to where the new latest clothing line stuff you can where something normal as long as its match like: pink top and white jeans and pink shoes. 3. Be strong: in Times there are gonna be a few hoes that will try you an see if your weak so remember if you fina fight think about this: that it's the end of your life and you got a month to live an beat tf out her. 4. Trust none: it's OK to carry on a conversation but remember to keep your ears open when talking to people you know you never know who might slip up in there words about you.  5. Gang member: all bad bitch's are in a gang no matter what they race or completion is.  6. Voice code: talk like you bout that life which means you're voice should be eather horse or light and cute not deep and dry. 7.Boyfriend code: It's OK to have 2 or 3 boyfriends or friends  because guys are going to do it anyway  an have alot a gfs on the low. Talk to a guy on FB an gain a slowly good talking friend ship.  Meet a guy from school any you guys exchange numbers because when one guy act up you can call or go to the next.  8. Items Needed: High school diploma / G.E.D if you do not have one go and get yours now because if you don't you want be able to get a job or food stamps its 2016 things are changing fast 9. Remember to respect yourself buy yourself gifts and talk with a manner remember if you're in a argument always talk without cursing it will make people think you're the nice on but if you do what they do and argue loudly and cursing  people will think you are a mess starter an start not to like you.  Just walk away if you have to.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Weed have powers

Weed does have power right after an tragic happened in my family it was about to be Christmas and we were setting up the tree an after I went to go smoke a blunt and after two hits I went to sit down then I started thinking about god an Jesus protecting use from the tragedy that happened then all a sudden I heard a soft whispers in my ear be aware of faults witness an when I heard that voice it's like I seen in my head through my eyes that I saw the small angel like creature flying over my shoulder an whispering into my ear.  Is thats why the government don't want to legalize weed??

How to calm down when your high from weed

1. Drink cool water from sink 2. Go to a quiet no sound area room sit down an try to relax for a second this will slow down your heart from racing fast 3.if u feel low on air go outside where air is at an breathe in an out try to relax as possible not to much though 4. If feeling pain in chest call 911 or tell someone to rush you to the hospital admittedly ;Avoid hot room temperature an cold temperature make sure you have a fan if so in a hot room it will keep you in a smooth flow to Kalmp ur blood and heart down remember to always take it easy on drugs not safe seriously stop if something doesn't feel right. :Contact me at paulimperial82@gmail.com

How to make cash at the age 17 or 18

1. Pawning: you can pawn your TV games and game system and DVD for fast money. 2. Yard or a Garoge sell: you can sell your clothes that you growed out of or sell jewelry or shoes you just was about to throw away 3. Collecting empty drink and beer cans an iron pots you can take your cans to a place that pays you for your iron and cans just ask your parents they know. 4. Baby sitting you can babysit for a friend or a family member for $8 it will be worth it in the end 5. Cleaning: you can tell someone that you know how to clean good specialy when you are around a person who loves they house sparkly clean an hates it getting dirty.  :Contact me at paulimperial82@gmail.com

Secret to get free money hack

Items needed: 1.computer/laptop 2. Printer an print paper an cord that connects to the laptop /computer 3. Must have internet 4. Go to google an type in one dollar bill print the front of the dollar bill then use the same paper you printed the dollar on an flip it properly to the other side of the paper and print the back of a dollar bill.  An there you have it money to spend fast just have to add you all them dollars. :Contact me at paulimperial82@gmail.com
If you want fast acting results then try this ingredient that I tried and it worked for the first time I put it on. Take a empty glass an make sure it's clean before using. Take 1 lemon and slice it in two. Squeeze the lemon juice in the glass and add hydrogen peroxide and any type of lotion an cream developer 50 take a spoon an mix it then take a little an rub on hand then let set for 1 to 2 or even 3 minutes then you should be seeing sum good results. :Contact me at paulimperial85@gmail.com